Sunday, October 12, 2008

Other New Items in the Works

A DVD and CD of the 40th Anniversary Concert at The Proms this summer in London will be released by Signum "in December." We will do all we can to get copies of this in time for the December U.S. tour. We will post it on our website as a pre-issue/pre-order item as soon as we have details and have permission to mention it.

The UK Salvation Army has a Volume 2 of "Quiet Heart" in the works that also is scheduled "for December."

An album, being recorded as you read this, will be out by mid-2009. It is a light classical album from composers of the Romantic Period.

Hal Leonard is in the final production phase for a songbook to go with the "Simple Gifts" album.

Philip Lawson's words on "Born On A New Day" are on a cut on the latest Cambridge Singers disc, "A Christmas Festival" which we will have in stock soon.

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